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EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
3 mai 2012

Tuesday, May 1st

Bonjour !

Lart Tuesday, Karine, one of the class intern taught the class. As it is a new month, we started a new unit, that we are going to continue until the end of the month: summer vacation.

Karine introduced the idea of "les vacances" (the vacation) to the students. She asked them if the knew what it was and if they were going to vacation sometimes. She explained that the vacation are in July-August, but that we have two other breaks in December and April. Then, she asked them: "Tu vas ou en vacances ? " (Where do you go in vacation?). Three answers were available in the summer: "a la plage" (to the beach), "a la montagne" (to the mountains) and "a Disney" (to Disneyworld). She asked around if the children were going to these spots for their vacation. Then she asked them: "Comment tu pars en vacances ?" (How do you go in vacation?). She asked: "Tu vas en vacances en avion, en voiture ou en train ?" (You go in vacation by plane, car or train). Most of the children answered: en avion and en voiture.

Then the children has to make a survey with all these questions plus one more question: "Tu aimes les vacances ?" (Do you like the vacation?). Strangely, everybody answered "oui" to this last question ;)

After, Karine explained the children that when we go in vacation, we need to make our "valise" (suitcase). So she and the children reviewed the vocab of the clothes, especially the clothes that we wear during summer to go to the beach. So they had to draw in their "valises" all the clothes that they would bring for vacation to the beach: "Je mets mes lunettes de soleil, mon maillot de bain, ma serviette de bain, mon chapeau, ma casquette, etc." (I put my sunglasses, my swim suit, my beach towel, my hat and my cap.). At the end, we listen to a song by a French singer called Dorothee. She made songs for children. The one we listened was "Ma valise" (My suitcase).
Merci beaucoup to Karine for making the class program this week!

At the end, as it was "le premier mai" (the first of May), I wanted to make a little craft with the students. In France, on May 1st, we offer a flower called "Le muguet" (Lily of the valley) as a lucky charm (porte-bonheur). The children had the opportunity to make a card "porte-bonheur" for their family.

Au revoir !

EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
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