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EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
10 octobre 2013

Week of October 9th


Here is what we've done yesterday in French class:

1) Greetings, parent sign up

2) Review of “Bonjour, comment ca va ?

- Bonjour, salut, au revoir (hello, hi, bye bye) Alex et Zoe 1 cahier p 3 (beginner)

- Comment ca va quand... (How are you when...) Fiche personnelle (advanced)


3) Culture - Les regles de la classe / The rules in the class

Sentence structure:c'est bien ( it's good) vs c'est pas bien (it's not good)

Students have to decide if the actions are good or not good in a classroom setting. Fiche personnelle (beginner and advanced)


4) New sentence structure:
Je m'appelle... (My name is...)

Role play:

After introducing myself: “Je m'appelle Madame Goutain”, I ask each of the children to do the same starting with the non-beginners. Workshop 1: Se presenter (Introduce yourself)

- Bonjour les amis ! Work on the pronouns il and elle Zig zag 1 cahier p 6 (advanced)

- Dessine-toi et ecris ton nom. Draw yourself and write your name. Silhouettes a colorier (Beginners)

Workshop 2:

- Apprends a connaitre tes copains de classe – Learn to know your classmates Fiche personnelle (advanced)

- Je m'appelle – My name is – Find who's who. Fiche personnelle. (Beginners)


5) Craft : Mon classeur – My binder

Color/decorate your binder and write your name Fiche personnelle


6) Au revoir ! A la semaine prochaine (see you next week)

EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
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