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EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
3 octobre 2013

Week of October 2nd


I am glad to be back and welcome my students, and to see new ones. I hope the children will like my class, I am looking forward to see them discover my native language and like it!

Here is what we did today in the class:

1) Greetings/Parents sign up


2) Culture - Introducing French and France

- Place the correct items in the correct baskets France vs USA. (le croissant, la Tour Eiffel, la baguette, les crepes... vs. le hamburger, le drapeau americain (American flag), Le golden Gate bridge, etc) Flash cards symboles

- Countries where French is spoken. Livre Zig Zag 1 p 4/5

- Exercice on the French symbols Fiche les symboles de la Republique (beginner + advanced)


2) New sentence structures:
Bonjour, comment ca va ? (Hello how are you?)

Ca va bien. (I'm doing good)

Ca ne va pas. (I am not doing good)

Workshop 1: Bonjour!

- Difference between Bonjour madame, bonjour monsieur, salut. Cahier Alex et Zoe p 2/3 (Beginners)

- Bonjour, qui est la ? (Hello, who's there?) Personal worksheet (Advanced)

Workshop 2: ca va/ca ne va pas

- Place the happy faces or sad faces and their statement with the correct image. Fiche personnelle (Beginners)

- Comment ca va quand... (How are you when...) Fiche personnelle (advanced)

Role play:

Place the children in two rows facing each others. One child says: Bonjour comment ca va ?. The other one answers: ca va bien or ca ne va pas. (They have different paper faces in hands)

See you next week! A la semaine prochaine !

EFBA - La classe de Madame Goutain
  • Francais Langue Etrangere. Here is my teaching blog for my French students. Anglophones and Francophones, The section are labelled "Anglo" for the anglophone classes and "Franco" for the francophone classes.
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